Yesterday, I left my quaint beach town in Long Island and spent my day in fabulous New York city. Manhattan is like a giant vending machine, where you can choose to buy a hot dog, a Louis Vuitton bag or a horse and buggy ride through Central park all within one block.
There are an infinite number of places to shop, eat, and people watch. The streets are overflowing with five star restaurants of every cuisine imaginable. You’ll find all the famous department stores like Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue and Macys. How do you choose where to spend your hard-earned dollars, quench your thirst, or satiate your hungry taste buds?

New York Pizza is the yummiest food you can eat
Luscious, tempting smells spill out of restaurants with open doors from Deli pastrami to Chinatown’s Sweet and Sour chicken. Restaurant owners know that the enticing aromatic scents filling the air will scintillate the olfactory senses of many hungry pedestrians passing by. Crowds will be drawn in to their restaurant to devour their fresh, hot chocolate chip cookies or sizzling Mexican fajitas.
How do you attract customers? Is your door open and inviting to differentiate you from the thousands of other similar websites? Why would a potential customer choose your business over your competitor’s that turn up in google search results?